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London Plastic Modelling Show

Подробиці події

London Plastic Modelling Show
London GB
Club Displays, Traders, Demonstrations and competition. Easy access by public transport and free Sunday parking on adjacent streets.

There is a free to enter competition covering the following categories: 1) Aircraft 1/48 scale and larger 2) Aircraft smaller than 1/48 scale 3) Military Vehicles 1/35 scale and larger 4) Military vehicles smaller that 1/35 scale 5) Dioramas 6) Figures and Busts 7) Miscellaneous (to include ships, cars, civilian and Sci-Fi subjects) 😎 Junior: Models all types all scales 9) Best of show chosen from the gold medal winners

The best of show being awarded the following prizes, 1st a £60 Guideline Voucher, 2nd a £30 Guideline voucher and 3rd a £10 Guideline voucher. There will also be a free bunny kit supplied by Eduard for all children age 14 or below and a free children's make and take session being run throughout the day by Armourfast. To date there are 24 confirmed traders (from the UK, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Russia) also 13 club stands.

Keep up-to-date with details by checking back on the website or visiting our SAM, MMI & TSC Facebook pages.

На заході є конкурс
Вхідні внески:

under 16 free entry


6. Грудень 2015
Години роботи:
Show open 11.00am to 4.00pm.


52 Upper Street
N1 0QH London
Варіанти паркування:
free Sunday parking on adjacent streets


1 товариші планують відвідати цю подію



Rene Loeffler Tarnkappe

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Подібні події

London Plastic Modelling Show
GB London
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GB London
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Стрічка новин

Rene Loeffler
will attend
London Plastic Modelling Show in London
London Plastic Modelling Show
GB London
6. Грудень 2015
7 September 2015, 22:32