Model Fest 2016
"Your First Model"
Подробиці події
- Ім'я:
- Model Fest 2016
- Місто:
- Liberty MO
- Клуб-організатор:
- About:
- Hi, 27 Aug 2016 we will have Model Fest in Liberty Missouri (Liberty Christian Fellowship Church). This is NE Greater Kansas City Missouri (just off I-35). All are welcome and you need NOT be an IPMS Member. We will have over 30 catagories expandable also-(cars/planes/ships/figures/sci-fi/juniors), Raffle, Vendors. BTW we need vendors so please contact us. Jeff Bobela Judging will be 3 man teams from out of town builders if possible. (Free Pizza for the Judges)
- Конкурс:
- На заході є конкурс
- Вхідні внески:
- Unk at this time, please check your website or email me
- Дата:
- 27. Серпень 2016
- Години роботи:
- Open at 8am and will try to finish up the awards at 330pm. We get builders from the 4 state Region (Missouri, Kansas, Neb, Iowa)
- Адреса:
- 1815 W Liberty Dr
64068 Liberty MO - Варіанти паркування:
- Free Parking
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