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Skopje Cup 2017

4th Annual Scale Model exhibition

M.K. Major Mihajlo Ivanovski - Mix

Подробиці події

Skopje Cup 2017
Skopje MA
M.K. Major Mihajlo Ivanovski - Mix
Skopje Cup 2017 is the first plastic scale modeling competition taking place in the Republic of Macedonia. After three successful exhibitions, this year we decided to organize a modeling show in order to promote the scale modeling as a hobby.
Fourth exhibition will take place, begining from March, 3 throughout the weekend and the competition day will be on March, 5 as a great way to finish the modeling weekend in Skopje.
Our club welcomes all the modelers to participate in our event. The categories are the following:
J-01 Junior modelers up to 14 years All scales and all models
К-01 Cadet modelers 14-18 years All scales and all models
S-01 Senior Aviation Jet/Prop Smaller than 1:72
S-02 Senior Jet Aviation 1:72
S-03 Senior Propellers driven aviation 1:72
S-04 Senior Jet Aviation 1:48
S-05 Senior Propellers driven aviation 1:48
S-06 Senior Jet/Prop Aviation Larger than 48
S-07 Senior Helicopters All Scales
S-08 Senior Wheeled Vehicles 1:72
S-09 Senior Tracked Vehicles 1:72
S-10 Senior Wheeled Vehicles Larger than 48
S-11 Senior Tracked Vehicles Larger than 48
S-12 Senior Scratch build All scales
S-13 Senior Dioramas All Scales
S-14 Senior Figures All Scales
S-15 Senior Ships All Scales
S-16 Senior Sci-FI All Scales
S-17 Senior Rest All scales
S-19 Senior Civil Aviation all scales
S-30 Senior Israeli Defense Forces All Scales
На заході є конкурс
Вхідні внески:
Competition entry is 5eur


3-5 Березень 2017
Години роботи:
March 3rd 20:00
March 4th 10:00 - 22:00
March 5th 09:00 - 16:00


Ul. Makedonija 12
1000 Skopje


1 товариші планують відвідати цю подію


Dragan Cvetic dragan_mig31


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Dragan Cvetic dragan_mig31

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Dragan Cvetic
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Skopje Cup 2017 in Skopje
Skopje Cup 2017
MA Skopje
3-5 Березень 2017
5 February 2017, 16:23