Østjysk Open 2019
Подробиці події
- Ім'я:
- Østjysk Open 2019
- Місто:
- Randers
- About:
- This annual scale modelling exhibition and competition takes place in the northeastern part of Jutland, Denmark, always on the first Sunday in April.
The purpose is to create a place for scale modellers from DK and abroad to meet and socialize. It is an open event and free of charge to visitors in order to showcase the hobby and, hopefully, also spark an interest in our wonderful hobby! - Конкурс:
- На заході є конкурс
- Вхідні внески:
- Free of charge.
Open to the public.
Participants in the scale modelling competition however must pay a small fee.
- Дата:
- 7. Квітень 2019
- Години роботи:
- One day event only.
Sunday open from 1100-1700.
- Адреса:
- Fritidscentret, Teatersalen, Vestergade 15
8900 Randers
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