Modellexpo 08-OPEN 2019
Подробиці події
- Ім'я:
- Modellexpo 08-OPEN 2019
- Місто:
- Solna
- Клуб-організатор:
- IPMS Stockholm
- About:
- IPMS Stockholm arranges Modellexpo 08-Open April 13–14, 2019. The event is held in Skytteholmsskolan in Solna. With 40 years of tradition, Modellexpo 08-Open is one of the largest events of its kind in Sweden and one of the most important in the Nordic countries. Modellexpo 08-Open is much more than just a contest, there are also dealers, café Shake’n’Bake and not least a lot of modellers. We also have a number of special exhibitions.
- Конкурс:
- На заході є конкурс
- Вхідні внески:
- Admission 80 SEK, IPMS members (with proof of membership) and children up to 15 years enter free.
- Дата:
- 13. і 14. Квітень 2019
- Години роботи:
- Saturday 12:00 - 16:00
Sunday 10:00 - 15:00
- Адреса:
- Ankdamsgatan 14-16
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Will participate with my Ship Santa Maria, in the Contest "the Journe"

Modellexpo 08-OPEN 2019
13. і 14. Квітень 2019

13. і 14. Квітень 2019
25 March 2019, 09:54