Maalla, merellä ja ilmassa X
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- Ім'я:
- Maalla, merellä ja ilmassa X
- Місто:
- Kuopio
- Клуб-організатор:
- Pohjois-Savon pienoismalliharrastajat ry
- About:
- Tenth traditional model exhibition in Kuopio welcomes all visitors from all around the world. For several years, we have had a theme where the local model club presents scale models within a certain theme. Others are welcome to bring in theirs models within the theme or outside the theme as well.
This year's theme is Finnish Winter War 1939-40. - Конкурс:
- На заході немаж конкурсу
- Вхідні внески:
- 6 €.
Chlidren, conscripts, pensioners, unemployed 2 €
Family ticket 15 €.
- Дата:
- 26. і 27. Жовтень 2019
- Години роботи:
- Saturday 10.00–17.00
Sunday 10.00–15.00
- Адреса:
- Minna Canthin katu 52
70100 Kuopio
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will attend

Maalla, merellä ja ilmassa X
26. і 27. Жовтень 2019

26. і 27. Жовтень 2019
8 October 2019, 18:30

You are welcome to join us in Kuopio. 🙂 We have had some visitors from outside Finland. If you're not able to come this year, then maybe next year. The exhibition is usually held in the last weekend of October, this is usually confirmed in the first half of the year.
18 October 2019, 10:59

I will make my plans next year, i would go from Mexico, i like Finland so much, greetings
20 October 2019, 01:18