4th Danube 1255 scale model competition
This event is CANCELLED
Подробиці події
- Ім'я:
- 4th Danube 1255 scale model competition
- Місто:
- Novi Sad
- Клуб-організатор:
- Maketarski Klub - Novi Sad
- About:
- Fourth issue of scale model competition Danube 1255 in Novi Sad on 21st of March 2020. from 08:00 - 17:00.
Special categories as follows:
”Commander Aleksandar Berić” - for best ship of the Allied navies of World War II
"Middle Eastern conflicts 1946-2020" - the best model on the topic
"Best model of the Second World War 1939-1945" - Конкурс:
- На заході є конкурс
- Вхідні внески:
- Registration fee for the competition: 500 RSD per participant, free for „Junior/Cadet“ category.
This event is CANCELLED
- Дата:
- 21. Березень 2020
- Години роботи:
- 08:00 -11:00: Registration and submission of contest models
09:00 -16:00: Model kits exhibition
11:00 -14:00: Jury scoring
16:00: Awards ceremony and closing ceremony
This event is CANCELLED
- Адреса:
- Radnicka 20a
21000 Novi Sad - Варіанти паркування:
- Yes
This event is CANCELLED
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Подібні події

IV Danube1255 Scale model competition
Novi Sad
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25. Березень 2023

3rd Danube 1255 scale model competition
Novi Sad
24. Березень 2018

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Scale model show "Danube1255"
Novi Sad
9. Травень 2015

9. Травень 2015
Стрічка новин

will attend

4th Danube 1255 scale model competition
Novi Sad
21. Березень 2020

21. Березень 2020
19 January 2020, 22:24