スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー

スレッドの開始者 Lerxst

Andy Ball
45 画像
Quite a LuqaView album, image #37
L9965 “T” Unknown Squadron. Somewhere in the Mediterranean. 1942.
プロジェクト: Maltese Falcon
1:72 Bristol Beaufort Mk.I (Airfix A04021)1:72 Bristol Beaufort Collection (Xtradecal X72319)1:72 Beaufort Mk.I (Eduard CX588)
121 28 July 2022, 14:23
Guy Rump
Definitely watching, I have this one in my stash. 👍
 28 July 2022, 17:37
Andy Ball 著者
Hi Guy, nice to have you along!
(I'm focused on one build now! No more over-reaching!)
 28 July 2022, 18:42
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks for checking it out Rui and Daniel. I'll post some build shots soon.
 29 July 2022, 16:12
Andy, I'm staying here for when you start it 😉
 29 July 2022, 17:32
Andy Ball 著者
Cuajete, let me fix you a drink….and welcome
 29 July 2022, 20:48
Mirko Römer
Cuajete, it might be better to be in before it starts!
 29 July 2022, 20:58
Andy Ball 著者
Cheers Vincent, hope not to disappoint!
 29 July 2022, 20:59
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks for all the 'likes'
 29 July 2022, 21:00
Andy Ball 著者
Hi Mirko, I'd say I'm only 2 hours in, so you're all invited to a staggered start!
 29 July 2022, 21:06
Mirko Römer
Time for me for the daily staggered landing now 😉 Good luck, you've chosen a very attractive camo scheme!
 29 July 2022, 21:10
Gary Kitchen
Count me in. Glad to see you back in full swing Andy.
 29 July 2022, 21:21
Andy Ball 著者
@Mirko, we're taxi-ing out to runway 090R so grab yourself a Maltese beer….
 29 July 2022, 21:31
Andy Ball 著者
@Gary: I'll stick you in charge of torpedo launch?….and what exactly is a 'full swing'
 29 July 2022, 21:32
Gary Kitchen
😄 not sure.. especially as you're reigning in and concentrating on single builds. Guess I could do with doing the same, so many kits on the bench in various stages I'm a bit overwhelmed and end up with little progress. Going to finish up the little Sioux and then clear the remaining to the shelf and focus on one single build just weighing up whether it's a Short 827 or the Sunderland MkV so many choices.
 30 July 2022, 06:50
Andy Ball 著者
Agree, if you narrow the number of builds I think you're more productive - I thought doing 2 Lancasters would save on painting etc. but they never quite went at the same pace. Your next one will be a "Shorts" though! (I'm reading a great book on the Golden Age of Flying Boats- terrific historical perspective)
 30 July 2022, 10:12
Good progress, Andy. Looking so good 👍
 30 July 2022, 17:19
David Taylor
Coming together fast.
 1 August 2022, 13:56
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Cuajete- when you have good materials to work with, and a bit of down time it helps to get the project done more efficiently
 1 August 2022, 15:06
Andy Ball 著者
I think I've spent about 6 hours so far David. Hope you get some shots of your kits soon?
 1 August 2022, 15:06
David Taylor
Been doing a Sabre and Scorpion double build,nearly done.
 1 August 2022, 17:07
Very nice interiors, Andy. Fast progress! 👍
 1 August 2022, 17:27
Andy Ball 著者
Seen the projects David, would love to see the results!
 1 August 2022, 19:14
Andy Ball 著者
Yes Cuajete- this could be an "air-speed record" for me!, unless I lose the mojo!
 1 August 2022, 19:16
Agustin Prellezo
 1 August 2022, 20:43
Andy Ball 著者
¡Gracias Augustin!
 1 August 2022, 21:55
István Szücs
Looking great, one of the most beautiful planes.
 3 August 2022, 07:56
Łukasz Gliński
Not a fan of Beauforts, but I like how you proceed A.
 3 August 2022, 11:40
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks for the comment István, I think all the Bristol twins were nicely proportioned in WWII
 3 August 2022, 11:46
Andy Ball 著者
Ł: I'd overlook this model too - but it is spectacular in fit and clever in engineering- plus a nice Mediterranean scheme will give it some prominence in the collection
 3 August 2022, 11:54
Łukasz Gliński
Thx, I might consider the coastal white camo one day, who knows
 3 August 2022, 11:57
Andy Ball 著者
In my Xtradecal stash, there's a Mk.Ia LR906 '42' let me know if want the decals if you start it.
 3 August 2022, 15:13
David Taylor
Totally agree Andy,well proportioned as both the Beau and Beaufort were developed from the venerable Blenheim.
 3 August 2022, 16:10
Well done so far despite the inconvenience caused, Andy. Looks so good! 👍
 3 August 2022, 19:12
Łukasz Gliński
Good to know, thx, perhaps @Telford, who knows? 😉
 3 August 2022, 19:26
Andy Ball 著者
@David: they made some pretty decent post-war cars too!
 3 August 2022, 21:25
Andy Ball 著者
@Cuajete: all of my builds have those foibles- it'll be hidden with some weathering I hope!
 3 August 2022, 21:26
Andy Ball 著者
Łukasz- let me know if you're Telford-bound. I'll pop over!
 3 August 2022, 21:26
David Taylor
Med camo looks great.
 8 August 2022, 15:56
I agree with David 👍
 8 August 2022, 17:43
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks David, it is very blue! I hope I'll tone it down a notch
 8 August 2022, 21:23
Andy Ball 著者
Cheers Cuajete- maybe have the build on short finals tomorrow
 8 August 2022, 21:23
Very interesting camo scheme. Great work!!
 9 August 2022, 06:23
István Szücs
Very nice in blue 🙂
 9 August 2022, 09:41
Painting job looking so good 👍
 9 August 2022, 17:17
Thomas Bischoff
That's a nice one Andy!
 9 August 2022, 19:28
Łukasz Gliński
Nicely faded sir 👍
 9 August 2022, 19:44
David H
Unusual and very attractive scheme. Gorgeous finish 👍🏻
 10 August 2022, 07:03
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks folks! The blue camo really stands out in the collection, and I'm hoping to unveil the completion today/tomorrow. If you're in any doubt, BUY THIS KIT. It is Airfix at their modern best. I'm not a spokesperson for them, but this has gone together as good as any offering from Tamiya, etc.
 10 August 2022, 08:46
Andy Ball 著者
Finals, landed Luqa, moved to dispersal point.
This was the most enjoyable kit I have made in a long while. This is 1/72nd at its best. Bravo Airfix!
 10 August 2022, 15:18
Guy Rump
A cracking result Andy, particularly like the Med camo. I'll definitely be referring to your notes when I eventually get around to building mine. Congrats! 👍
 10 August 2022, 15:28
David Taylor
Cudos Andy,nice.
 10 August 2022, 15:34
The end result is amazing!!!
 10 August 2022, 16:55
Jan Peters
Great job all'round Andy 👍🏻
 10 August 2022, 16:57
Andy Ball 著者
Hi Guy, thanks as ever- please check me out when you start, there were a few niggles in the build (mainly me not reading instructions fully), and as with all kits- a few idiosyncrasies.
 10 August 2022, 17:55
Andy Ball 著者
Cheers David, Vincent, and Jan. A good kit certainly helps your project- and also just getting on with it without pauses/hiatuses!
 10 August 2022, 17:57
Wow... Fantastic painting job, Andy. Great result... "Beautyfort!!"
I like the Airfix engineering to allow the wings to be disassembled and assembled without the seams of the wings with the fuselage being noticeable 👍
 10 August 2022, 18:37
Gary Kitchen
Great finish Andy 👍
 10 August 2022, 21:44
So very nice !
 10 August 2022, 21:47
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Gary, just caught up with your builds. Belatedly.
 10 August 2022, 22:36
Andy Ball 著者
Merci Olivier!
 10 August 2022, 22:36
Andy Ball 著者
Cuajete: beautyfort…."I see what you did there!…" 😂
 10 August 2022, 22:40
Michael Kohl
Great result.
 11 August 2022, 08:15
Łukasz Gliński
My name is Luqa and I like this build a lot 😛
 11 August 2022, 10:08
Erik Leijdens
Looking good Andy. Nice camouflage!
 11 August 2022, 10:20
Nice one!
 11 August 2022, 14:25
Simply gorgeous!
 11 August 2022, 14:31
That's right, Andy... Beautyfort!! 😄
 11 August 2022, 17:30
Agustin Prellezo
I really like the final result!!!
 11 August 2022, 19:21
Rui S
Exquisite 👍
 13 August 2022, 00:02
Excellent! 👍
The Beaufort is not a subject I have ever been oarticularly interested but after seeing this build and the end result I find myself looking for one online 🙂
 13 August 2022, 02:28
Mirko Römer
Quite a looka! Excellent Andy!
 13 August 2022, 04:21
John Bollig
Oh, wow. I am impressed, this is contest quality.
 13 August 2022, 04:26
Dietmar Bogatzki
Fantastic, Andy 👍
 13 August 2022, 05:14
Lovely! 👏👏
 18 August 2022, 13:25
Alec K
It's a beauty 👍
 18 August 2022, 14:09
Andy Ball 著者
To Łukasz, Michael, Erik, Finn, rmoe701, Cuajete, Agustin, Rui S, Mirko, Dietmar, Neil and Alec K thank-you for the endorsements on this build. It was a pleasure to grace your eyeballs!
 23 August 2022, 16:18
Andy Ball 著者
To Rui Da Silva: I hope you find one, it wasn't my choice of the Bristol twins as an interest either, but believe me, this kit is a step-up from usual Airfix (disclaimer, it must have been one of the first batches, maybe the freshest of moulds?)
 23 August 2022, 16:20
Andy Ball 著者
To John Bollig: I have never had any of my builds considered 'contest quality', so I am gladdened by your remark. Thank-you.
 23 August 2022, 16:22
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks for the like, Pietro!
 20 January 2023, 07:24
Andy Ball 著者
Hans-Jürgen, 👍
 20 January 2023, 07:55
Bernd Grün
Oh, I ithink I'm very late. But it's never too late to congratulate you on this beautiful aircraft. Cheers Andy.👍
 20 January 2023, 08:07
Interesting work, very beautiful colors! 👍
 20 January 2023, 09:34
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Bernd and Neuling...one from a hot summer last year, apt really as it's flying out of Luqa.
 20 January 2023, 13:52
Andy Ball 著者
Thank-you again Shar
 27 February 2023, 17:57
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Carlos and Meister
 27 February 2023, 22:04
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks A.J.
 28 February 2023, 13:59
Andy Ball 著者
And Michael and alessandro too!
 28 February 2023, 20:24
A true beauty Andy!
 28 February 2023, 21:54
Andy Ball 著者
Oh, cheers Marius!- it's all in the eye of the beholder!?😂
Thanks Ricardo too
 28 February 2023, 22:36
Andy Ball 著者
Cheers Shaun!
 1 March 2023, 08:07
Andy Ball 著者
And Juergen and Shapke too!
 1 March 2023, 21:12
Andy Ball 著者
Appreciate your view, Darth.
 13 March 2023, 09:15
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Stefan H, and Robert too!
 14 March 2023, 17:46
Andy Ball 著者
Thanks Larry and many others for your likes and visits
 28 May 2024, 16:54
Pietro De Angelis
Really stunning, as always, congrats!
 28 May 2024, 17:03
Marco Gallmann
Awesome paintjob 👍
 28 May 2024, 17:04
Always nice to see this one again. The paint scheme still looks great!
 28 May 2024, 18:52
Neil Patrick
Very nice Andy. Made my eyes water seeing the clamping of the transparencies. Looks like you got away with it though.!Looks super all done. 🙂
 29 May 2024, 09:25

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