Spanjaardare you going scratch build it? i am in!
6 October 2023, 20:51
jan zumack 著者Hi spanjaard, yes i do. This ist a complete Scratch build. At the end the ship will be 790mm Long. I am crazy, i now.
7 October 2023, 05:43
TorstenExciting 👀
7 October 2023, 06:48
jan zumack 著者Welcome Torsten, Robin and Shar 🤗
7 October 2023, 09:23
gorbyWOW! Very ambitious build.
7 October 2023, 15:35
jan zumack 著者Hi Villiers 😁 Welcome gorby, yes it is 😅
7 October 2023, 15:48
VincentThis is looking amazing. Very nice subject and building skills till now. Looking forward to see where it is going.
9 October 2023, 12:24
jan zumack 著者Welcome Vincent, thanks for you words.
9 October 2023, 17:19
Ingo FOh scratch build, I am in!
May the modeling force be with you. 😄
10 October 2023, 15:01
jan zumack 著者Welcome Ingo, 😀
10 October 2023, 15:32
Ben MI definitely want to watch this. The scratchbuilding looks great. Yes, this project will definitely take some time to complete.
13 October 2023, 13:32
jan zumack 著者Hi Ben, yeah it will. At now i build ca 30 hours.
13 October 2023, 17:04
FreakWhat an incredible project! This looks like a masterclass in scratchbuilding, can't wait to see what's next!
13 October 2023, 18:29
jan zumack 著者Hi Freak. I give my best. 🤘
13 October 2023, 18:48
CaptGPFDamn! Can't wait to see the final result!
14 October 2023, 02:49
jan zumack 著者Welcome Zach and CaptGPF. 🤗
14 October 2023, 05:38
AlexanderHoly.. this looks amazing so far!👍👍
Definitely watching how this unfolds!
17 October 2023, 21:34
jan zumack 著者Welcome Alexander.🤗
18 October 2023, 02:35
Stephan H.This is so great! I am throwing my 3D printer out of the window and try learning something here 😉
I also loved the ship design and how parts move during flight.
Viel Erfolg
19 October 2023, 06:59
jan zumack 著者Hi Stephan, i do it oldschool because i didnt have a 3d printer. 😂
19 October 2023, 09:36
TorstenAwesome, I like old school ^^
21 October 2023, 12:31
jan zumack 著者Thanks Torsten 😁
21 October 2023, 13:09
PepeWooow!!!! huge work
10 November 2023, 20:48
jan zumack 著者Hi Pepe, yes it is😅
11 November 2023, 12:15
HansSchool of scratch building.
11 November 2023, 12:33
jan zumack 著者Welcome Hans, yeah i'm in the school. 😅
11 November 2023, 14:48
TorstenStill impressive 😎
12 November 2023, 18:17
jan zumack 著者Thanks Torsten, it grows Bit by Bit.
12 November 2023, 18:43
jan zumack 著者Welcome Hans-Jürgen, thanks for your words.
15 November 2023, 15:37
Jörg SchäferCraziness. Great scratch work. I'm excited. 👍
16 November 2023, 08:38
jan zumack 著者Hi Jörg, thanks you.
16 November 2023, 08:50
RandoJust super impressive, excited to see all the progress.
5 December 2023, 06:35
jan zumack 著者Hi Guys. Thanks for your comments. 😁
5 December 2023, 19:44
Kyle DeHartOh my. Watching with interest. Incredible.
28 December 2023, 22:11
jan zumack 著者Hi Kyle, Hope you enjoy it.
30 December 2023, 15:19
Sam SOut of this world build, bring out the popcorn! 🍿
3 January 2024, 18:38
jan zumack 著者Hi Sam and thanks you. 😁
3 January 2024, 19:50
Dash RendarHot damn, very nice! Love it.
7 January 2024, 13:19
TreehuggerFinal model looks like it might perhaps be heavy, can the landing gear handle the weight?
10 January 2024, 18:17
jan zumack 著者He treehugger, i tested the legs with 2kg per leg, i hope it is enough. If its not i drill in a seperat roundsteel to Catch the weight.
12 January 2024, 18:48
jan zumack 著者Welcome Lochsa. 🤗
15 January 2024, 18:24
Uwe KaedingThis is looking fantastic - looking forward to see where it goes.
16 January 2024, 11:36
Peter GNo 3D printer? Are you using a cutting machine? How do you get such precise cuts? Loving it!
16 January 2024, 11:48
jan zumack 著者Hi Uwe, hi Peter,
16 January 2024, 19:49
jan zumack 著者I use an old drawing bord to Cut the pieces i need. And Stripes, tubes and rods from evergreen.
16 January 2024, 19:52
jan zumack 著者Welcome Lukas 🤗
18 January 2024, 15:30
Jennifer FranklinThis is an impressive undertaking, following 👀
18 January 2024, 15:56
jan zumack 著者Hi Jennifer. 🤗
18 January 2024, 18:37
Spanjaardinsane detail.... amazing.
28 April 2024, 17:40
SkyhikerGreat project
28 April 2024, 18:57
RuiI have no idea how I missed this build!!! 😲
Following !😁
28 April 2024, 19:51
SkyhikerI'm sorry but this is WAY too cool. It just keeps getting better and better.
3 May 2024, 17:48
jan zumack 著者Thank you all for your kindly words. I am suprised by my self of the result of the Projekt so far.
3 May 2024, 18:53
Dash RendarDamn, those tiny pipes around the jet exhausts. Very cool.
4 May 2024, 05:46
SkyhikerPicture 210 looks like a boom box. I wonder what kind of funky music would come out of that?
17 May 2024, 11:05
VincentThis build is looking great. Im looking forward to the painting phase!
17 May 2024, 14:45
jan zumack 著者@ skyhiker, the Cantina band! :-)
17 May 2024, 17:07
jan zumack 著者Thank you Vincent.
17 May 2024, 17:09
Shar DipreeAwesome work! Absolutely fantastic.
17 May 2024, 17:17
Ian DoodyExcellent scratch build. Brilliant work.
19 May 2024, 12:06
jan zumack 著者Thank you Ian, i give my best.
19 May 2024, 15:19
TreehuggerWhat marverous stuff. 🙂
21 May 2024, 10:35
jan zumack 著者Thank you Robin. 🤗
22 May 2024, 14:06
SkyhikerFunny, that boom box you're making looks like a spaceship.
26 May 2024, 10:49
NLAWScametovisitUsing your build to show my coworkers how awesome this hobby can be
13 June 2024, 21:27
jan zumack 著者Yeah do this NLAW. 👍
14 June 2024, 09:46
S MIncredible job here!
13 July 2024, 08:09
jan zumack 著者Thank you S M i will continue soon. 😁
13 July 2024, 09:09
BzmilyIncredible work🥰
26 July 2024, 08:57
jan zumack 著者Thank you Bzmily 🤘
26 July 2024, 12:16
Alec KWow, just found this and what an incredible project! Just fantastic, thank you for sharing it here 👍
29 July 2024, 17:05
jan zumack 著者Thank you Christian, i go on vacation now, i am back in few weeks.
11 August 2024, 10:46
Brandon HMasterful... so excited to see this continue to take shape!
4 October 2024, 11:36
jan zumack 著者Hi Brandon, yes the project goes on,
4 October 2024, 21:49
gorbyIt been a while since I last checked on your progress and I was pleased to see the quality is just as remarkable!
29 October 2024, 11:07
jan zumack 著者Thank you gorby
29 October 2024, 12:34
Hans-Jürgen HaagAbsolut incredible engineering! That is master scratch handwork!👍🥇🏆
29 October 2024, 14:05
jan zumack 著者I give my best, thank you Hans.
29 October 2024, 17:44
Spanjaardnice to see updates 🙂
20 November 2024, 21:18
jan zumack 著者He spanjaard, now i got more time to make progress.
20 November 2024, 21:20
RandoWithout a doubt, one of the coolest modeling projects ever seen, and there's a ton here on Scalemates. The final result will be something to behold
21 November 2024, 02:59
Alberto MichielettoYou are a space engineer Jan! It's an impressive piece of work.
21 November 2024, 09:37
jan zumack 著者Thank you Alberto. Sometimes i think, i am a little bit crazy, to do such a huge project but it grows and grows. 😄
21 November 2024, 15:17
Spanjaardjust a bit? but please do not change!!! 😉
21 November 2024, 16:10
jan zumack 著者Hi Alexander and thank you.
21 November 2024, 19:26
MelWOW - Thats insane! Impressive even though it's not finished yet.
22 November 2024, 16:14
jan zumack 著者Hi mel, no ist not finished yet, give me one more year.😅
23 November 2024, 09:58
MelI'd give you two if you do it in a half... Ok, wrong universe...
I am looking forward to seeing the further progress and the final result
23 November 2024, 11:46
Rui SImpressive 👍
25 November 2024, 19:10
jan zumack 著者Thank you Rui S
25 November 2024, 19:53
Villiers de VosYour model is steadily building up to be an impressive model. I continue to follow.
26 November 2024, 03:40
Villiers de VosWith the lighting the model is coming to life.
1 December 2024, 03:02
Jörg SchäferThis looks fantastic with the light.
1 December 2024, 05:15
jan zumack 著者Thanks Jörg, wait for the colours.
1 December 2024, 06:55
gorbyDo you realise you're showing up the rest of us scratch-builders. 😄
Staggering attention to detail and sooooo neat!
20 December 2024, 11:10
jan zumack 著者Thank you for kind words gorby and jennifer.
21 December 2024, 07:36