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Don’t get the hump - The Bedford Dromedary


38 13 July 2024, 13:59
Alec K
Taking a seat for this, sure to be another beauty 👍
 15 July 2024, 02:41
gorby 著者
Thanks for taking an interest Alec. I should get this completed very soon. 👍
 15 July 2024, 06:14
Robert Podkoński
Taking my seat too 🙂
 15 July 2024, 06:23
gorby 著者
Welcome Robert. 🙂
 15 July 2024, 06:26
May I join?
 15 July 2024, 08:51
gorby 著者
Of course Neuling. The more the merrier. 🙂
 15 July 2024, 09:07
Philippe EVE
 16 July 2024, 11:24
gorby 著者
Thanks Philippe. I hope to get the next update done later today. 👍
 16 July 2024, 11:27
Philippe EVE
 16 July 2024, 12:14
gorby 著者
New photos start at number 10.
This may give the impression that I've completed this in a couple of weeks...it's been nearer two months. Although the build is complete this update doesn't take us to the end of the build process.
Thanks for having a look. 🙂
 16 July 2024, 15:40
John Hughes
Looking good! I made mine into a 6pdr portee many decades ago.
 16 July 2024, 16:22
gorby 著者
Thanks John. 🙂
 16 July 2024, 18:41
Alec K
This looks really good Gorb 👍. I like your resin casts, they look superb.
 17 July 2024, 01:23
gorby 著者
Thanks Alec. I've tried cast parts in resin before and it wasn't very successful, this time I used silicon as the mould and that made all the difference. It's really easy with silicon. 🙂
 17 July 2024, 07:06
Alec K
Hmm, I'll have to check silicone rubber out.
 17 July 2024, 12:04
Holy moly - what a nice little model! Great work so far 👍 Sorry, I was not in the mood to follow all the nice builds here, so I discovered it lately.
And thank you very much for mention me in the album info 😉
 18 July 2024, 06:52
gorby 著者
No problem mate, I have times I'm not in the mood to comment, quite often really as I'm a grumpy old git. 😄
I hope to get the final photos posted at the weekend, it's finally stopped raining here so busy doing other jobs at the moment. 🙂
 18 July 2024, 11:13
Guy Rump
Looking great! 👍
 18 July 2024, 19:03
gorby 著者
Thanks Guy. 👍
 19 July 2024, 05:21
gorby 著者
Finally got around to taking some photos of this ridiculous beast, thanks you all for following the build. 🙂
 20 July 2024, 14:57
A nice one! Diorama wanted!
 20 July 2024, 17:16
David Taylor
Nice one.
 20 July 2024, 18:13
gorby 著者
Thanks David. 👍
Thanks Neuling, although you're mistaking me for a proper modeller if you expect a dio. 😄 😄
I have to be in the right mood to to do a dio and at the moment I just feel like building models. 🙂
 21 July 2024, 06:48
Okay. Better luck next time! 🙂
 21 July 2024, 09:06
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 21 July 2024, 12:24
gorby 著者
Thanks Guy. 🙂
 21 July 2024, 13:48
Christian Bruer
Wow, very impressive and excellent work with a lot of scratchbuilt parts - love it 👍
 21 July 2024, 13:54
gorby 著者
Thanks very much Christian. Apparently the drivers didn't love them because they were sooooo slow. 🙂
 21 July 2024, 14:00
Christian Bruer
But they looked so cool. Well more a slow rider than a low rider 😄
 21 July 2024, 14:10
gorby 著者
😄 😄 😄
 21 July 2024, 14:19
That scratch building at that scale is insane! ❤️❤️❤️
 21 July 2024, 15:18
gorby 著者
Thanks Capt, I like the challenge of building in 1/72. 👍
 21 July 2024, 15:29
A small piece of tarpaulin over the first bows would make it even more interesting.
No, it was a joke 🙂 Nice model of a vehicle with British style.
 22 July 2024, 17:52
Michael Kohl
Thanks for CaptGPF for poiting out the scrstch building. I would have completely missed it and thus a very enjoyable build report.
One of those builds that would have looked really good without paint too.
I got stuck with my QLD over the humps as I did not manage to shape them identically. Your idea with the jig might breath in some life into that build again. Thanks for that too.
 22 July 2024, 18:35
simply stunning detail gorby, it is just gorgeous!! wow
 22 July 2024, 19:38
gorby 著者
Thanks very much matiepoos! 🙂
Buggy, I'll let you in on a secret just as long as you don't tell aaanyone else....I just got fed up with working out how I was going to put the tarp on the back and do the lacing onto the tie-downs. Therefore I decreed that it was nice day and they wanted to have the roof down. 😄 😄
Michael: I managed to confuse some others on a different forum about how much of this was scratch-built. Confusion seems to be my natural state and maybe I'm infecting everyone else. 😄
Spanjaard: I've even surprised myself with this one. Am I finally getting the hang of this modelling lark....then I see Frank's work and think how much further I have to go. 🙂

Thanks again everyone for you nice comments and to anyone who has clicked on 'Like'. 🙂
 23 July 2024, 08:03
Thank you very much for the trust you have placed in me, gorby! Of course I won't pass on this secret, but will take it to my grave.
 23 July 2024, 16:21
Rui S
Great scratch work as always 👍
 23 July 2024, 21:11
gorby 著者
😄 😄 I knew I could rely on you Bugs. 😉

Thanks very much Rui, glad you like it. 🙂
 24 July 2024, 06:06
Philmeidosem -1/72
I look at your works Gorbi and I am impressed! O_o Bravo and thank you again for your comment on my dio… Coming from you, it gives me confidence! 🙂
 25 July 2024, 09:11
gorby 著者
Thanks Philippe! I haven't the confidence to do a diorama with water - particularly as a first dio, so you're one ahead of me. 😉
 25 July 2024, 10:00

Album info

Note for non Brits: ‘Don’t get the hump means ‘don’t get angry’.
Sometimes it’s good to do an out of the box build. It’s good for your mental well-being.
That’s probably why I’m so screwed-up because my intention to do an out of the box build usually gets….eeerrm, a tad over complicated. I try to add extras to state of the art kits, expecting me to do an out of the box build for kits which date back over fifty years to when dinosaurs wore brown flares and orange tank-tops would be torture. I’d also see it as a waste of a kit which may otherwise have potential to turn into something I can be pleased with, rather than be chucked to the back of the drawer never to be seen again. It’s what I enjoy, it’s what I find challenging and keeps my brain engaged. I know there is a conversion kit for this in 1/76 – where would be the fun in that?

The Dromedary was a cunning plan to make the Bedford QL even more unusable, as the same 72bhp engine was expected to haul about twice the usual weight. The normal version struggled with hills so god help the Dromedary drivers. Bughunter told me that ‘Bedford’ sounds like ‘Bad-ford’, probably not far wrong. 😄
I originally wasn’t in the mood to do a build progress report which is why this starts a bit late in the day.

33 画像
1:76 R.A.F. Refuelling Set (Airfix 03302-2)


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