Grumman EA-6B Prowler,
52 29 September 2017, 13:36

pff. that is truly a work of love... I could just stay watching to all these details... splendid, truly splendid....
Are those PE elements for the cockpit bought?
29 September 2017, 13:57

Yes, the PE instrument bezels are from Airwaves and Airscale.
29 September 2017, 14:00

EA Bsolutely beautiful model!!!!! btw cockpit: is this a map of oostende? 🙂
29 September 2017, 14:16

Thank you, Thomas! As the real aircraft was part of CVW-5, it's a map of the area around NAS Atsugi!😉
29 September 2017, 14:23

Where did you find the scale plans for that Kitty Hawk deck if I may ask?
29 September 2017, 14:45

You forgot to post the video of the maiden flight. 😉
Stunning - simply stunning!
29 September 2017, 19:57

Thank you all for you kind comments! Patrick, the deck is based on a free sketchup 3D model which i have corrected using google maps footage of CV-63 in Bremerton. I have made elevator #1 in 32nd scale as well, but more on that later! 🙂
30 September 2017, 08:51

Whauw! Cool! For a while I'm toying with the idea of putting a VF-154 F-14 next to a VAQ-136 EA-6B on a just arriving elevator but couldn't find decent plans of the #4 elevator, so I just let the idea simmer somewhere. Seeing your diorama has gotten it revamped however.
30 September 2017, 14:22

Thank you! I will post an album showing the progress on my 32nd scale Kitty Hawk elevator later today.
2 October 2017, 10:46

Holy Crap, that is award winning stuff there, absolutely incredible!
30 October 2017, 10:03

Hut ab vor dem Aufwand und erst recht dem Ergebnis! Wenns bei mir losgeht brauche ich nicht in meiner Navy Stehschütte graben: deine Fotos sind WIP-Fotos sind Referenz genug🙂
30 October 2017, 10:28

🙂 Looks like you're preparing for electronic warfare Bernhard. I can't wait! 😉
30 October 2017, 19:17

Hello, Very nice! I have the same project..How did you make de Canopy?
10 October 2019, 10:39

OMG! The detail is amazing. So much to look at I stare at one picture for minutes and then go to the next and do the same. The landaing gear really fascinated me.
10 October 2019, 11:40

Wow, every photo shows a work of art in its own right, so much detail. You wouldn't expect this level from any kit let alone scratch built. You are very courageous to attempt it, very patient to complete it and very talented to do so convincingly. This is true modelling at its best. I salute you.
10 October 2019, 21:55

Thank you all for your kind comments!
@Cedric, the canopies are 3D printed.
@Spanjaard: I have planned to bring my Viking and the RF-8 both of which will be on the contest table. I did not register the Prowler. I may bring it with me, maybe I'll decide to register it on Saturday. I have no table, so the contest is the only possibility for me to display models in Veldhoven.
18 October 2019, 14:49

I just finished a A-6E from Trumpeter today, just follow the steps. After look at your kit, then back to what I finished, what I made just a toy !-)
4 January 2022, 12:08

Awesome...totally awesome. That is one labour of love with some real fantastic attention to detail. Thank you for sharing. Top job Ben. Well done Sir.
5 January 2022, 07:31

in picture 14 it looks like you lasercut the plasticard, am i correct?
5 January 2022, 09:02

I second that Spanjaard, what a fantastic piece of model building. Amazing work.
5 January 2022, 09:07

sorry Erik, edited the comment, and it seems i have deleted it. i was saying that it was great to see Ben's work in person, in Veldhoven
5 January 2022, 09:11

The plasticard was lasercut indeed as I did not have access to a CNC mill back in the day. Nowadays, I'd annoy my friend Thomas to mill this kind of parts for me.
5 January 2022, 12:13

Sans voix ... 🤐
C'est MAGNIFIQUE, quel travail ! 😲 😍
Félicitations ! 👏👍
Bon, du coup, je retourne à ma collection de timbres ... 🏃♂️
23 November 2022, 13:33

WOW! Really enjoyed looking at your highly informative/impressive album. Loving that it's a build journey album. Not just a display album of the finished model. Gives modellers like me an insight into your skills... Just an amazing awesome big build sir! 👍
23 November 2022, 15:44

Thank you all very mmuch for your kind comments, they're highly appreciated!
28 November 2022, 09:44

I already praised this miracle in 2017. But you can't do it enough: Phantastic work Ben!!!
28 November 2022, 14:18

Je l'ai vu de mes propres yeux ce dimanche 11/12/2022 à l'expo de Putte .
C'est juste démentiel le travail fait et la beauté de ce Prowler EA-6B .
Et que dire du pont d'envol en cours de réalisation, c'est MAGNIFIQUE !
12 December 2022, 22:13

Merci Jean-Pierre! Le pont est une réalisation de mon copain Frederick Jacobs.
14 December 2022, 08:09