Monanice job 👍🙂
31 October 2022, 21:00
Rui SBeautifully done 👍
31 October 2022, 21:31
PepeNice job
31 October 2022, 21:31
OlivierRare bird...
31 October 2022, 22:23
CuratormVery nice build and impressive paint job.
1 November 2022, 07:46
Bernd GrünI agree with Curatorn. Congratulation! 👌👍
1 November 2022, 08:00
SpanjaardImpressive camo
1 November 2022, 08:16
VincentGreat result. Also great looking camo scheme.
1 November 2022, 09:42
NeulingLooks like an aircraft in heaven .......... cool photography here .......... and an excellent build of course!
1 November 2022, 09:48
Lochsa Riverquite the eyecatcher....very cool
1 November 2022, 13:07
AlbertoNice camo, excellent paintjob
1 November 2022, 14:57
Ben MI can't even imagine how you painted this!
1 November 2022, 15:01
Alec KSuperb indeed 👍
1 November 2022, 15:11
BAT21 著者Thank you - I'm overwhelmed by the many comments and likes 😮
1 November 2022, 18:30
Simon NagorsnikGREAT!!
Awesome camo painting👍
Also nice mini's.
1 November 2022, 18:42
Guy RumpMissed this, great camo scheme, lovely model. 👍
25 January 2023, 21:32
bughunterBoah, der paint job hätte mich an den Rand des Wahnsinns gebracht! Toll 👍
25 January 2023, 21:53
26 January 2023, 09:49
Ralf TopetersExcellent camo and wonderful presentation with the figures! 👍
26 January 2023, 19:13
art81Very nice 👍
26 January 2023, 19:52
J RGreat camoflauge
27 January 2023, 02:15
27 January 2023, 04:54
BAT21 著者Thank you very much mates for all your encouraging, words!
The paint job was the fun part of this project. Thinking of rigging wires of a biplane makes me nervous 😮
27 January 2023, 19:38
Mark KSimply superb!
28 January 2023, 00:43