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Gergely Rácz
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7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2T "Colt" Estonian Air Force "40 yellow"View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:10
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2V Colt on Float (Trumpeter 01606)
9 27 February, 19:48
 1 March, 20:25
Thomas Kolb
Following for sure - I love the detailed descriptions of the build steps, it's like watching over your shoulder.
 15 March, 20:48
Gergely Rácz Автор
Welcome again, Thomas! I hope this one (I mean, these three) will be better than my first two "Colts". At least now I know what to expect.
 15 March, 20:52
Thomas K.
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15 March, 20:46
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4 зображення
Matchbox 1/72 Heinkel He-115View album, image #1
This should be fun
Проект: Heinkel He 115
1:72 Heinkel He 115 (Matchbox PK-401)
Łukasz Gliński
Wish I had it, watching with envy 👍
 15 March, 19:46
Mr D
Yes the 111p very nice build 😀👍
 15 March, 20:47
Troy Campbell
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24 зображення
Wanderer whaler 1966View album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 20:46
Good detail for 1966 tech
Jennifer Franklin
1  14 March, 22:40
Troy Campbell Автор
Thanks jennifer
 14 March, 23:08
Łukasz Gliński
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Sorry, Łukasz... I thought the Me-262 was yours (who did I see it on then? 🤔)
The hangar is very nice, but I would like to see an open album with your Revell hangar 😛
Thanks for correcting the position of some photos. My neck feels better now 😄
 15 March, 20:41
Adam Gudynowski
Thanks for sharing. Respect for dealing with crowd 😄
 15 March, 20:43
Mark Sherwood
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28 зображення
Hobby 2 Grand. 1.48 Hawker Hurricane MK IIA.View album, image #1
Hawker Hurricane MK1. F/O WL McKnight (Canadian) No242 Sqdn. Italeri 1.48 Kit. The fifth kit I built since returning to ...
1:48 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIA (Hobby 2000 48015)No Mr Finishing Surfacer 1500 Black (Mr. Hobby SF288)
Mr D
Enjoyed following the Build Mark, will have to put a Hurricane on the future shopping list.
Really like the engine bay 👏👍
1  15 March, 19:21
Mark Sherwood Автор
Thank you MrD, the Hurricane with the open engine bay is the Italeri kit and it wasn't that bad putting it together. The current build is the Hobby 2000 re-boxing of the Hasegawa kit and I have the new tooling Hobby Boss Hurricane in the stash.
 15 March, 20:39
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36 зображення
Heinkel He-111PView album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 03:45
I'm going to stop here at this point while I figure out why my airbrush is spraying off center, before continuing with t...
Проект: 1\72 Heinkel He-111P
1:72 Heinkel He111P (Hasegawa 00552)
Dave Автор
Thank you for all the likes and comments mates.
 15 March, 18:10
Rui S
Very nice clean build 👍
 15 March, 20:35
Ludvig Nilsson
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10 зображення
Cromwell IVView album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 19:40
Проект: Cromwell IV
1:76 Cromwell IV Tank (Airfix A02338)
1 15 March, 19:39
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
 15 March, 20:33
Elias Korompilis
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6 15 March, 19:20
That is Beautiful. Fantastic work with the rigging for that scale.
 15 March, 19:37
Łukasz Gliński
Oh wow, such a neat build and such an awful lot of well done rigging 👍
 15 March, 19:45
Rui S
Another eye catcher 👍
 15 March, 20:32
додав новий фотоальбом.
9 зображення
France 1940View album, image #1
4 14 March, 18:10
Nice dio.
 15 March, 08:51
Yes! - But there were no Panzerfäuste in this early stage of WW II.
1  15 March, 09:35
Jevard Автор
Neuling...Thanks for the comment! I will be fixing that detail today!
 15 March, 18:22
 15 March, 20:13
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3 22 January, 07:39
Gergely Rácz
додав новий фотоальбом.
7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2T "Colt" Latvian Air Force 247View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:10
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2V Colt on Float (Trumpeter 01606)No Decal Papier Bogen für Tintenstrahl, klar (3 Blatt) (MiD HOD122)
3 27 February, 19:44
 1 March, 20:24
Gergely Rácz
додав новий фотоальбом.
7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2 "Colt" Armenian Air Force "03 yellow"View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:07
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2 Colt on Skis (Trumpeter 01607)1:72 Armenia (Linden Hill Decals LHD72017)
3 27 February, 19:38
John West
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4 15 March, 18:10
John, that's a nice looking car.
 15 March, 19:22
John West Автор
Thank you sir!
 15 March, 20:07
додав новий фотоальбом.
bughunter Автор
Thank you very much mates!
The little Goblin aroused a certain amount of interest at the exhibition today so it will travel with me to the EME 😉
 15 March, 19:42
Desert Marlin
Beautiful work!
 15 March, 19:58
tom svk-at
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2 15 March, 17:44
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 15 March, 18:06
tom svk-at Автор
thank you very much Rui
 15 March, 19:54
Juergen Klinglhuber
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1 15 March, 17:27
I'm watching with interest. Great topic. 👍
 15 March, 18:04
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2
 15 March, 19:47
Romain Sablou
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12 17 February, 16:05
Nice cockpit, Watching 👍
 17 February, 16:10
Kurt Reichert
Great so far! Weathering looks really good.
 15 March, 16:47
Romain Sablou Автор
Thanks! For the record, nozzles will most likely be repainted. I'm not pleased with the result
 15 March, 19:45
Bill Mathews
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37 зображення
Flak BaitView album, image #32Новий: 15 March, 19:37
Проект: Flak Bait
1:48 B-26B Marauder (ICM 48320)
15 23 February, 06:27
Chris T. An
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Всі коментарі (12) » 18 28 February, 21:34
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Super, hab ich so noch nie gesehen!
1  15 March, 13:04
Very good news of the new possibilities together with superb craftsmanship 👍
1  15 March, 19:34
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1 15 March, 19:31
Jay Mountain Goat
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17 зображення
1/72 Revell Transall C-160View album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 18:17
Build of the 1/72 Revell Transall model kit. Here a shot of the interior. Note that the Revell instructions have you bui...
1:72 C-160 TRANSALL (Revell 04602)1:72 Transall C-160 Landing Flaps (LACI LAC720024)
Всі коментарі (12) » 29 11 February, 18:11
@Jay Mountain Goat: Yes, now there is no doubt about seeing the triplets together 😄👍

How lucky you are to have a wife who makes such good bobbin lace. Great job! And good idea for the pebbles 👌
2  13 February, 19:26
Those faded orange/yellow hues can look good.
The resin flaps looks great 👍
 15 March, 19:33
Villiers de Vos
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51 зображення
1936 Mercedes 540K Maharaja Sport RoadsterView album, image #49Новий: 15 March, 17:08
Attaching the wheels to the axels. Apply glue as instructed.
1:16 1936 Mercedes 540K Maharaja Sport Roadster (Gakken P280)No Cable (0.5mm Outer Diameter /Black) (Tamiya 12675)No Model Pal Vacuum Pickup Tool (Micro-Mark 81851)
Всі коментарі (31) » 44 20 October 2024, 09:57
Villiers de Vos Автор
Thank you Jennifer and Mr D.
Mr D, it is a real hinge supplied with the model. See photo 36.
1  15 March, 19:20
Mr D
Great...it looks the part 👍
1  15 March, 19:22
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10 зображення
Spitfire Mk.Ⅰ No.19 Squadron (Hasegawa 1:72)View album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 15:53
No. 19 Sqn. K9795/19 October 1938 Pre World War 2 - Duxford AB
1:72 Spitfire Mk.I `No.74 Squadron' (Hasegawa 00363)
8 15 March, 15:51
Beautiful work. that's a great looking Spit.
 15 March, 16:42
Mark K
 15 March, 19:14
Mr D
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124 зображення
Zil-131 modified from 4D M35 truck kit 1:72 View album, image #82Новий: 15 March, 19:13
Finally finished my Truck, it's a cheap $2 snap kit, with paint, modification and some scratches bits.
1:72 M35 (4D MODEL 01)
Всі коментарі (25) » 58 23 April 2024, 22:42
Nice work on a very challenging conversion Mr D.
1  15 December 2024, 07:26
Mr D Автор
Thanks Gorby 😃👍 it's been enjoyable and project like this give you an excuse to research....which is interesting.
1x project finished before Christmas...... My goal is to have the Be-6 finished by new year.
2  15 December 2024, 13:16
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
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15 March, 19:11
Mr D
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71 зображення
Beriev Be-6 flying boat/ By Playfix -Veb -Plasticart & Revell 1:72View album, image #64
Finished, just the stand to paint black but , l call it Done now. Thanks to everybody who showed a interest...was quite...
1:72 Military Flying Boat (Playfix Kits 15690)
Всі коментарі (104) » 110 24 July 2024, 16:32
Top result! 👍👍
2  26 February, 09:53
Mr D Автор
The guys.....yes was a bit of a draw out build 🫣🤣
1  26 February, 19:20
Jennifer Franklin
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41 зображення
AVRO ANSON Mk.IView album, image #39
The quality of the photo is lovely.
1:48 Avro Anson Mk.I (Airfix A09191)
Jennifer Franklin Автор
Thank you, Troy!
 15 March, 00:23
Mr D
I was wondering how they moulded the cowlings as it's a complex shape.
Looking good Jenn. Keep up the good work 👍👍
1  15 March, 19:01
додав новий фотоальбом.
Всі коментарі (22) » 18 25 September 2023, 09:07
M4A1 Автор
Thank you too!
 13 March, 05:22
M4A1 Автор
Adding the lines of the woodwork in the concrete comes along pretty nicely.
 15 March, 18:59
Major Oak
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3 зображення
MyAlbumView album, image #1
Greatest work and paint job!👍🏻
1  13 March, 22:29
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
Nice work. 👍
 15 March, 18:57
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48 зображення
Tamiya | No. 61026 | 1:48 | BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1View album, image #1
2021/24: OOB build of the '80s Tamiya 1/48 kit.
Проект: BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1
1:48 Sea Harrier FRS.1 (Tamiya 61026)
Всі коментарі (25) » 58 17 January 2022, 12:08
Neil Автор
Thanks all for your encouraging likes and comments. I had to push myself to finally finish this one, it's a long way from perfect I acknowledge. But it's given me experience if nothing else for a nicer kit version by a different manufacturer in the future. It's niggling me that on the teaser image I didn't seat the canopy properly - I usually leave these loose so anyone can inspect the cockpit - it's just something I did as a child. However I may need to re-take this image just because you can see a small gap, which shouldn't be there... Modellers, we're all so fussy! As the wife will confirm when we talk about my DIY decorating timescales!... Anyway, thanks also to those who've separately liked 👍 You're all very kind 🙂 Next up, finally time to update the Black Bunny F-14 Tomcat album too...
2  14 March, 16:53
Mr D
You done a 👍👍 job.
The Tamiya kit is not the easiest but it's come out well, Looks more realistic than my build.
Did you find the decals a bit of a marathon 🤣 lots of them .
Well done... nice 👏👍
 15 March, 18:55
Juergen Klinglhuber
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54 зображення
Beech AT-11 Kansan - Racer --DONEView album, image #44
I am happy to call this project DONE. finally.
Проект: Beech AT-11 Kansan
1:72 BEECHCRAFT KANSAN AT-11 (Pioneer 2 4-4009)
Всі коментарі (49) » 67 9 December 2023, 14:58
Juergen Klinglhuber Автор
👍 Danke Stefan.
 15 March, 17:13
I forgot to tell you congratulation. Looks like a winner.
 15 March, 18:55
Seb Talaga
додав новий фотоальбом.
Всі коментарі (5) » 18 18 March 2024, 23:53
Seb Talaga Автор
Thanks guys
 27 May 2024, 00:45
Seb Talaga Автор
Youtube Video
 15 March, 08:02
Kurt Reichert
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18 зображення
Tamiya Panzer IV ausf. H earlyView album, image #8
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. H / Sd.Kfz. 161/1 (Tamiya 35209)1:35 PZ III/IV (Friulmodel ATL-05)1:35 Panzer IV Ausf. H (Voyager Model PE35210)13+
7 7 June 2015, 16:11
Rui S
Looking great 👍
 14 March, 15:47
 14 March, 19:27
Some useful defence photos, thx! 😉
 15 March, 14:16
Kurt Reichert Автор
Hello Pepe and veenee!
Thanks Rui. 🙂
 15 March, 15:43
Eddie Bosano-Andrews
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14 March, 13:32
Good choice. It's a reboxing of the old Heller. Beware the friable decals
1  14 March, 13:42
Eddie Bosano-Andrews Автор
Yeah, it took me a very long time to decide on this and I had read about the decals elsewhere. Wish me luck !
 14 March, 14:08





