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Łukasz Gliński
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15 зображення
XFY-1 PogoView album, image #15
Проект: XFY-1 Pogo
1:72 Convair XFY-1 Pogo (Kopro 93136)1:72 Convair XFY-1 "Pogo" (KP 33)
Всі коментарі (10) » 16 12 April 2015, 13:51
Ben M
Very nice!
 16 March, 00:34
Mark K
 16 March, 01:01
Cristian A
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46 зображення
Mi-8MT build logView album, image #44Новий: 15 March, 23:04
✅ Steps 27/41 +29/41 +32/41
Проект: Mi-8MT
1:48 Mil Mi-8MT (Zvezda 4828)1:48 Mil Mi-8MT Hip Canopy, Wheels & Windows Paint Masks Set (DN Models 48/827-129)No Tamiya Extra Thin Cement (Tamiya 87038)8+
Всі коментарі (32) » 51 15 December 2024, 17:39
★ Starfish ★
Very very impressive Cristian!
 15 March, 23:42
Desert Marlin
I really like this work! Excellent progress!!!
 15 March, 23:47
Łukasz Gliński
додав новий фотоальбом.
Rui S
Very nice show, thx for sharing 👍
 15 March, 22:51
really impressive show, some really nice kits and dios. I am sure I have seen some of them before (pic 54) for example....
 15 March, 23:34
John West
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6 15 March, 18:10
John, that's a nice looking car.
 15 March, 19:22
John West Автор
Thank you sir!
 15 March, 20:07
George Williams
Beautiful work.
 15 March, 23:33
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48 зображення
Tamiya | No. 61026 | 1:48 | BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1View album, image #1
2021/24: OOB build of the '80s Tamiya 1/48 kit.
Проект: BAe Sea Harrier FRS.1
1:48 Sea Harrier FRS.1 (Tamiya 61026)
Всі коментарі (26) » 59 17 January 2022, 12:08
Mr D
You done a 👍👍 job.
The Tamiya kit is not the easiest but it's come out well, Looks more realistic than my build.
Did you find the decals a bit of a marathon 🤣 lots of them .
Well done... nice 👏👍
1  15 March, 18:55
Neil Автор
Thanks very much Mr D 😊 you're very kind. Yes it's not the greatest kit, that's a definite. I'm sure you're understating your own efforts 👍 I just had a couple of the smaller transfers break up. I managed to wade through the sheet though 👍
 15 March, 23:06
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9 зображення
France 1940View album, image #1
 15 March, 20:13
Nice Vinette
 15 March, 23:05
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36 зображення
Heinkel He-111PView album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 03:45
I'm going to stop here at this point while I figure out why my airbrush is spraying off center, before continuing with t...
Проект: 1\72 Heinkel He-111P
1:72 Heinkel He111P (Hasegawa 00552)
looks really good Dave,congratulations
 15 March, 23:02
AZmazing build all that masking paid off.
 15 March, 23:03
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2 15 March, 21:50
Very realistic never saw a gunshot modeled nice work
 15 March, 22:58
Tony Stark
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15 March, 22:46
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1 15 March, 22:06
Nice build love the camo netting looks to scale
 15 March, 22:55
Jan Peters
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15 зображення
SAS Landrover Pink Panther View album, image #14Новий: 15 March, 22:34
More building done tonight, had a nice evening with some friends coming over, chatting, drinking and building :-)
1:35 S.A.S. Land Rover Pink Panther (Tamiya MM176)
Jan Peters Автор
More building done tonight, had a nice evening with some friends coming over, chatting, drinking and building 🙂 
 15 March, 22:37
Looks great so far, will love to see it complete
 15 March, 22:53
Frank Spahr
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6 зображення
Sea Vixen FAW.2 completedView album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 14:08
I am well aware of this kit´s shortcomings, shapewise.
Проект: Sea Vixen FAW.2
1:72 Sea Vixen FAW 2 (Revell 03866)1:72 Sea Vixen FAW.2 (Eduard 73551)
Fabulous 😍
 15 March, 22:48
Great work have this kit in my stash, love how the British designed distinctive aircraft.
 15 March, 22:51
Rudy Poseika
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6 зображення
P47 D razor backView album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 22:49
Progress on cockpit
Проект: P-47D "Razorback"
1:72 P-47D "Razorback" (Academy 12492)
1 13 March, 20:48
додав новий фотоальбом.
3 4 March, 21:17
Mr D
Nice project...be interested to follow... looking good so far 😃👍
 4 March, 22:15
sc114 Автор
Hi! It's going to get better and better!
1  5 March, 19:01
Ben M
 15 March, 22:24
Juergen Klinglhuber
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2 15 March, 17:27
I'm watching with interest. Great topic. 👍
 15 March, 18:04
Łukasz Gliński
Me 2
 15 March, 19:47
Alex K
 15 March, 21:55
Ben M
 15 March, 22:14
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1 15 March, 22:01
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15 March, 21:53
Major Oak
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3 зображення
MyAlbumView album, image #1
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
Nice work. 👍
 15 March, 18:57
Cristian A
beautiful result! well done!
 15 March, 21:43
додав новий фотоальбом.
Desert Marlin
Beautiful work!
 15 March, 19:58
Tom Spiegelberg
Echt toll geworden! Bringst du die auch nach Lingen mit?
1  15 March, 21:30
Mr D
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71 зображення
Beriev Be-6 flying boat/ By Playfix -Veb -Plasticart & Revell 1:72View album, image #64
Finished, just the stand to paint black but , l call it Done now. Thanks to everybody who showed a interest...was quite...
1:72 Military Flying Boat (Playfix Kits 15690)
Всі коментарі (106) » 111 24 July 2024, 16:32
Łukasz Gliński
Very neat 👍 The green might be too bright for my liking, but nicely built Plasticart is not sth you see here often 👍
1  15 March, 21:13
Mr D Автор
Thanks Lukasz, I used the photograph of the full size one in my album for colour reference, but I've seen darker ones and grey too.
1  15 March, 21:22
Łukasz Gliński
додав новий фотоальбом.
6 зображення
Fuji T-1View album, image #6Новий: 15 March, 21:06
The tractor got its dose of pinkness
Проект: T-1
1:72 Fuji T-1A/B w/Tractor (Hasegawa 02364)
Juergen Klinglhuber
checking this one out,...interesting
 15 March, 17:37
Łukasz Gliński Автор
Herzlich wilkommen JK 👍
I managed to spray some pink this evening, enjoy 🙂
 15 March, 21:15
Elias Korompilis
додав новий фотоальбом.
Alex K
Wow...! The rigging, yes - but there's apparently much more to this, i.e. converting an earlier 504K/L to a late 504N/O... Respects, once again!
 15 March, 21:03
Tibor Szilvai
Nice work! 👍
 15 March, 21:07
Thomas K.
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1 15 March, 20:46
Thomas K. Автор
Morgen nochmal von 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr in Ergolding 👍
 15 March, 21:05
Gergely Rácz
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7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2T "Colt" Estonian Air Force "40 yellow"View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:10
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2V Colt on Float (Trumpeter 01606)
9 27 February, 19:48
 1 March, 20:25
Thomas Kolb
Following for sure - I love the detailed descriptions of the build steps, it's like watching over your shoulder.
 15 March, 20:48
Gergely Rácz Автор
Welcome again, Thomas! I hope this one (I mean, these three) will be better than my first two "Colts". At least now I know what to expect.
 15 March, 20:52
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4 зображення
Matchbox 1/72 Heinkel He-115View album, image #1
This should be fun
Проект: Heinkel He 115
1:72 Heinkel He 115 (Matchbox PK-401)
Łukasz Gliński
Wish I had it, watching with envy 👍
1  15 March, 19:46
Mr D
Yes the 111p very nice build 😀👍
1  15 March, 20:47
Troy Campbell
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24 зображення
Wanderer whaler 1966View album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 20:46
Good detail for 1966 tech
Jennifer Franklin
1  14 March, 22:40
Troy Campbell Автор
Thanks jennifer
 14 March, 23:08
Mark Sherwood
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28 зображення
Hobby 2 Grand. 1.48 Hawker Hurricane MK IIA.View album, image #1
Hawker Hurricane MK1. F/O WL McKnight (Canadian) No242 Sqdn. Italeri 1.48 Kit. The fifth kit I built since returning to ...
1:48 Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIA (Hobby 2000 48015)No Mr Finishing Surfacer 1500 Black (Mr. Hobby SF288)
Mr D
Enjoyed following the Build Mark, will have to put a Hurricane on the future shopping list.
Really like the engine bay 👏👍
1  15 March, 19:21
Mark Sherwood Автор
Thank you MrD, the Hurricane with the open engine bay is the Italeri kit and it wasn't that bad putting it together. The current build is the Hobby 2000 re-boxing of the Hasegawa kit and I have the new tooling Hobby Boss Hurricane in the stash.
 15 March, 20:39
Ludvig Nilsson
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10 зображення
Cromwell IVView album, image #1Новий: 15 March, 19:40
Проект: Cromwell IV
1:76 Cromwell IV Tank (Airfix A02338)
3 15 March, 19:39
Rui S
A Beauty 👍
 15 March, 20:33
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4 22 January, 07:39
Gergely Rácz
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7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2T "Colt" Latvian Air Force 247View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:10
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2V Colt on Float (Trumpeter 01606)No Decal Papier Bogen für Tintenstrahl, klar (3 Blatt) (MiD HOD122)
3 27 February, 19:44
 1 March, 20:24
Gergely Rácz
додав новий фотоальбом.
7 зображення
PZL-Mielec An-2 "Colt" Armenian Air Force "03 yellow"View album, image #4Новий: 15 March, 20:07
The fuselage halves went together perfectly (with just a little sanding at the vertical stabilizer), but this is where t...
1:72 Antonov An-2 Colt on Skis (Trumpeter 01607)1:72 Armenia (Linden Hill Decals LHD72017)
3 27 February, 19:38
tom svk-at
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2 15 March, 17:44
Rui S
Nice work 👍
 15 March, 18:06
tom svk-at Автор
thank you very much Rui
 15 March, 19:54
Romain Sablou
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14 17 February, 16:05
Nice cockpit, Watching 👍
 17 February, 16:10
Kurt Reichert
Great so far! Weathering looks really good.
 15 March, 16:47
Romain Sablou Автор
Thanks! For the record, nozzles will most likely be repainted. I'm not pleased with the result
 15 March, 19:45
Bill Mathews
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37 зображення
Flak BaitView album, image #32Новий: 15 March, 19:37
Проект: Flak Bait
1:48 B-26B Marauder (ICM 48320)
15 23 February, 06:27
Chris T. An
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Всі коментарі (12) » 18 28 February, 21:34
Hans-Jürgen Haag
Super, hab ich so noch nie gesehen!
1  15 March, 13:04
Very good news of the new possibilities together with superb craftsmanship 👍
1  15 March, 19:34





