スケールモデルデータベース | ストックマネージャー
SCM Data suggestions
SCM Data suggestions



Eric Thornton@SCM Data suggestions
How do we categorize mask sets that come with decals? Or decals that come with mask sets?

For example, Galaxy Model 1/48 F-16AM 50th Tiger Meet 31 Tiger Squadron Mask Decal for Kinetic K48100 Model D48092

I will add it under paint masks like most of their stuff, but I will let the website boss figure this out...
14 March, 23:24

March 13, 2025

Tim Jacobs@SCM Data suggestions
Recommend deletion of this empty record:
Title (ICM , 1:48)

13 March, 20:24

March 12, 2025

Melgg Lütschg@SCM Data suggestions
When clicking on a magazine issue, one can add it to the stash. But compared to a kit, one does not see who else have it in their stash (to eventually ask about an article/information in there). Could the magazines be handled as with the model kits?
12 March, 11:15

March 9, 2025

Tim Jacobs@SCM Data suggestions
I'm trying to update the publisher on this book:
Book: UK Harrier (by Various)

UK Harrier (Unknown )

The publisher is the Air Media Centre, HQ Air Command, i.e. the Royal Air Force.

My question is, what name should I use to create the brand name? Also, the only logo I can find on their publications is the Royal Air Force logo, so use that?
9 March, 19:11
Amazon list it thus: by UK MOD (Author), Royal Air Force (Author), Royal Navy (Author)

 9 March, 19:49
SunTsu@SCM Data suggestions
Hi, I have detected that the following magazine is duplicated, could you please remove one of them.


1 9 March, 13:05
Eddie Mann
1  9 March, 14:45

March 7, 2025

tyu@SCM Data suggestions
Wanting to change Tamiya 81022 X-22 clear lacquer I got the following message:
This item is locked for Editing. This was marked as 100% correct and can not be altered.

First time I encountered this, I know quite e few more entries here at Scalemates that deserve to be locked because they are 100% correct. This entry is however incorrect since it displays a RGB of white, it shouldn't have any RGB values at all, just like 81522 X-22. Same issue for 80022 X-22
7 March, 13:57
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Apologies, looks like I stuffed up here and applied an incorrect ship, please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: No longer exists

Protected cruiser Esmeralda (1883)

1 7 March, 11:03
1  7 March, 11:39
Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
1 6 March, 20:36
fixed 👍
1  7 March, 06:21
Eddie Mann
Thank you.
 7 March, 10:02

March 6, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
2 March, 09:30
1  6 March, 17:15
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
1 2 March, 09:57
1  6 March, 17:15
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we merge these two topic and rename

SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: Casemate ironclad CSS Virginia II (1863)

Casemate ironclad CSS Virginia II (1863)

1 2 March, 10:32
1  6 March, 17:13
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Ironclad monitor USS Dictator (1863)

Ironclad monitor USS Dictator (1863)
1 2 March, 10:44
fixed 👍
1  6 March, 17:13
Stuart T@SCM Data suggestions
RCM001 Rubber Black, AK Real Colors Matt, Acrylic Lacquer, This is a duplicate product
2 6 March, 10:30
Eddie Mann
2  6 March, 14:49

March 5, 2025

Naram@SCM Data suggestions
hi can you please merge
MiG-15bis ProfiPack Eduard 1:72 7059 2019 New box
MiG-15bis ProfiPACK edition Eduard 1:72 7059 2022 New box
MiG-15bis ProfiPACK edition Eduard 1:72 7059 2024 New box

They display the same art box?

thank you!
1 4 March, 22:00
Eddie Mann
Merged, for some reason, the 2022 item was uploaded in 2012?
1  5 March, 10:10
Thanks a lot Eddie !
1  5 March, 13:56

March 4, 2025

A L@SCM Data suggestions
4 March, 16:32

March 3, 2025

Łukasz Gliński@SCM Data suggestions
Do we have somewhere the Mr Hobby Marker paint range, by GSI Creos Corp.(aka Gunze)?
3 March, 20:20

March 1, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
I am sure this is related to the issue with multi topics with topics only having a single ship

IJN early torpedo boats (RMS Neptune 3, 1:700)


This was set up as a new topic

SCM Topic: Torpedo boat Kotaka (1887) (this is about the 3rd iteration of this topic for reason stated below)

This kit has 3 topics - all of which are new

Torpedo boat Kotaka (1887)
Torpedo boat Type 1
Torpedo boat Type 5


However if you try and enter another topic it just deletes the 1st topic only leaving Torepedo boat Type 1 - so you go back in try and enter Kotaka and it treats it as a new topic and it deletes Torpedo boat Type 1 so you are forever going around in circles.

1 1 March, 03:14

February 27, 2025

Michael Kohl@SCM Data suggestions
AM-6036 appears double and can be merged.
1 26 February, 19:50
Eddie Mann
2  27 February, 10:05
Michael Kohl@SCM Data suggestions
AM-6007 appears double. One time with the german subject title (Sitzgurtschnallen), one time with the english one (seatbelt buckles). I suggest to merge them.
2 26 February, 19:54
Eddie Mann
2  27 February, 10:05
Michael Kohl@SCM Data suggestions
AM-6001 "Cockpit Instrumente" appears double and can be merged.
2 26 February, 19:56
Eddie Mann
1  27 February, 10:05

February 25, 2025

aero.batics » 機能リクエスト
Good afternoon,
Could the 'Hycote' paint range be added to the database, please? Whilst primarily an auto paint brand, their 'Double Acrylic' spray paints are easily available in the UK and are appropriate for scale modelling. I cannot comment on their availability in other countries. I've recently acquired their British Racing Green (pretty good, by the way) and I'd like to add it to my stash here. Happy to assist with any required information.

Many thanks!
25 February, 16:32
here you go Paint range: Hycote
 25 February, 18:46
Much obliged
 25 February, 19:42

February 24, 2025

Greg B@SCM Data suggestions
Sorry I can't seem to find a place to just post a question to the Admin.

I stumbled across the Tamiya 1/35 Russian Army T72 M1 and the topic it was under was "Utility", which is incorrect and should be Tank.

I could not find any pull down etc to make the change so I just typed Russian Army in the topic section. Sorry if I messed the "topic" section up but this should be easier to change or create the original, correctly.
すべてのコメント (7) » 1 20 February, 06:30
Steven Van Dyck
If you mean this kit, T-72 M1 (Tamiya 35160, 1:35) , I only see T-72 in the topic field in edit mode.

 24 February, 10:37
I think some of the the responses are getting mixed up here between Topic and Subject

The Topic name T72 cannot be changed by anyone but Tim - new topics can be created.

The Topic itself can be edited, Category (which I believe was the OPs concern), Manufacturers, Dates, Alternative name(s) (The alternative here is (T-90), however I dont believe it should have the brackets)

For detail you go to the Kit and populate below the topic field , like someone has done in the Tamiya example, the subject will self populate as you type in the text. Sometimes there are issues with this and it will revert to something else , you just raise them with Tim, as they arise.
 24 February, 19:28
Yngve N@SCM Data suggestions
This one can probably be deleted
Title (Mr. Hobby , No)

24 February, 09:37

February 23, 2025

Alex K@SCM Data suggestions
1 23 February, 17:40

February 22, 2025

Alex K@SCM Data suggestions
Hi. In line with the Wiki info ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlin_Z-25_%C5%A0ohaj ) these three topics:

SCM Topic: Zlin LG-125 Šohaj
SCM Topic: Zlin VT-125 Šohaj
SCM Topic: Zlin VT-425 Šohaj

should be all merged into the already existing topic:

SCM Topic: Zlin Z-25 Šohaj

1 22 February, 12:57
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
1 22 February, 03:58
fixed 👍
1  22 February, 07:55

February 21, 2025

Jon Ruehle@SCM Data suggestions
This kit, the Atlas Signal Tower #704 in HO (1/87) scale goes back further than "19XX". The kit was first released in 1962.

How can I update this information with a photo of the original kit? Do I CONTRIBUTE > KIT and let admins sort it out? I don't see where I can actually ADD this boxart and release date for the kit I have.

SCM Search: Signal towers Atlas 704*
1 21 February, 01:27
correct, you need to add a new entry in the database like you described. You will be able to upload boxart and fill in release year info
1  21 February, 07:30
Jon Ruehle
Ok great! Thank you!
 21 February, 16:55

February 20, 2025

Boris B@SCM Data suggestions
Hello, I corrected the entries for the Academy Mirage III series (1:48), which had been listed as reboxings of the Fujimi 1:50 kits (they are very different kits, depsite the box covers). Now the Academy kits still have a double scale entry (including the 'scale on box' entry), which they don't need, but I don't seem to be able to remove it.
Also, something happened while I was trying to update the picture on one of the kits, and now it's corrupt and I can't replace it :
Mirage III-R (Academy/Minicraft 1630, 1:48)
Thanks, Boris

19 February, 15:23
Eddie Mann
Image re-uploaded.
 19 February, 17:47
Boris B
Thanks Eddie.
Where is the "Scale on Box" option available anyway ? And how can it be removed when not necessary ?
1  20 February, 09:48
Eddie Mann
That's a job for Tim.
 20 February, 11:19
Alec K@SCM Data suggestions
Review link (72news.eu/2018/09/rs..ga-e-141-diesel.html) for Praga E-141/E-241 (RS Models 94004, 1:72) is dead (this entire domain is now defunct).

19 February, 18:08
in the top right corner of the logo of the review, there is an icon, a pencil. if you click on it, you can report the link as a broken link 😉 change type to "broken link" and click save 🙂
 19 February, 18:12
Alec K
Aha! Thanks Spanjaard 👍
 20 February, 08:41

February 19, 2025

Adam Gudynowski@SCM Data suggestions
Please merge those two items
MRP-C025 Blue Metallic for Subaru BRZ, MR.Paint Metallic, Acrylic Lacquer, 30ml
MRP-C025 Blue metallic - Subaru BRZ, MR.Paint Metallic, Acrylic Lacquer, 30ml
19 February, 10:09
Eddie Mann
2  19 February, 13:34
alex_louw@SCM Data suggestions
I believe the Brands "Dragon" and "Shanghai Dragon" are the same company.

The following link shows the box of a model on the "Dragon Models" website (which the "Dragon" brand links to), which shows the "Shanghai Dragon" logo:

I suggest merging the two brands and either having it be named "😭Shanghai) Dragon Models" or use "Shanghai Dragon", "Dragon" and "Dragon Models" as aliases if possible.
18 February, 20:23
On scalemates we don't care about the company, we care about the brand.

DML and Dragon are 2 different brands.

Kits with the DML brand should be under DML
Same for Dragon

 19 February, 04:49
I see, thank you for clarifying
1  19 February, 10:16

February 18, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
18 February, 19:34
tyu@SCM Data suggestions
Added an existing paint, please delete 55011 RAL 5011 Stahlblau, Life Colours Satin, Enamel, 15ml
18 February, 11:06

February 17, 2025

tyu@SCM Data suggestions
Wanting to add Peewit paints but cannot create a paint range. I tried via creating a new brand entry but failed, please delete SCM Brand: No longer exists.
1 17 February, 16:27
Thanks for that. While adding I encountered something:
N-8610 Birkengrau, Peewit Authentic Camouflage Colors Satin, Acrylic, 12 ml
displays similar color chips and other paints while
N-8640 Light blue, Peewit Authentic Camouflage Colors Satin, Acrylic, 12 ml
only displays similar colors (not other color chips)

Does that mean there is no FS, RAL, BS381C, RLM etc. equivalent close enough to the entered color as judged by a Scalemates algorithm? Or is something else going on?
 17 February, 19:10
yes that is the reason
1  17 February, 19:11
Francky@SCM Data suggestions
please remove moonshade permanently, these days we have chatGPT which is much better at profanity
1 17 February, 13:29

February 16, 2025

tyu@SCM Data suggestions
MRP-038 Light Ghost Grey, MR.Paint , Acrylic Lacquer, is a double with MRP-038 Light Ghost Grey (Medium Grey) FS36375, MR.Paint Satin, Acrylic Lacquer, 30ml. First one can be removed.
1 16 February, 12:50

February 15, 2025

Botan T » 機能リクエスト
It's not really a feature requests, but some clarification in adding kits instruction could be useful. I wonder about filling up description of schemes when informations in kit/decals instruction are very short or lacking, but other sources like books provide data about units, pilot, events, places, dates and so on. In such case should contributor restrain himself from adding those?
14 February, 21:30
Eddie Mann
My view is that books often give conflicting information which would cause issues.
 15 February, 12:39
Botan T
That's true, but it is not about adding all possible details, but any basics if instruction includes basically no informations.
 15 February, 13:51
I think it is OK to augment the data when not part of the instructions!

Especially for Country/Unit/Organisation/Scheme/Number

I would be a bit hesitant to mention a specific month/city/locatiin when that was not part of the instructions.

1  15 February, 18:31
(moved thread to Data suggestions)
 15 February, 18:32
tyu@SCM Data suggestions
Please add the color chip for FS34102 to FS24102 (this has no color chip assigned) since it is the same color, only different sheen. Or maybe in general add for all Federal Standard colors with identical last four digits.
test FS11310 FS21310 FS31310

around 200 entries added
 15 February, 18:24
Thanks, I will report any anomalies when/if I encounter them.
1  15 February, 18:30

February 13, 2025

Francky@SCM Data suggestions
Searching for the FS35042 color in different ways gives very different results. As example:

SCM Search: FS35042

Is this an error, or am I not understanding something?
1 12 February, 10:40
Do you mean the similar section showing colors not perfectly matching the FS color?

Some modelers go for a lighter shade anyway, depending on the area you need paint (eg. something small difficult to see inside the cargo area) one of your colors in stash is close enough for you to make that work...
 13 February, 06:14
especially in combo with the "my ranges" feature it will tell you those paints being close to your target color and in your preferred range (eg. Tamiya)
 13 February, 06:17
When i use this link:


I get a color chip and a series of similar colors: like freight stock grey, dark grey .... etc

When I use this link through the search box:

SCM Search: FS35042

I get a completely different set of similar colors

This may be correct because you are using different algorithms intending to have a different effect, but I don't understand that searchign the same color in two different ways delivers such different results.
 13 February, 09:50
Searching for FS35042 gives you all paints with FS35042 in the name/number, the similar colors looks at the RGB color values to find similar colors

 13 February, 18:12
Francky@SCM Data suggestions
For the F9F-2P "Panther" (Trumpeter 02833, 1:48)
it is indicated that the color should be FS35042, which is grey


I think this should be : FS15042, which is gloss sea bleu.

Probably a typing mistake but as I am not familiar how to change this, and there is a chance that I am wrong, I note this here for someone better with the scalemates system to check and possibly correct
1 12 February, 10:28
Eddie Mann
Yes, instructions show Mr Color 365 which is Gloss Sea Blue, FS15042. Changed.
You can change this in the "Markings" options.
 12 February, 12:20
Eddie wrote: "You can change this in the "Markings" options."

Thanks, but it may lead to some confusion if everybody (like me) would start changing the dbase 🙂
1  12 February, 12:58
As far as I know the first digit in the FS numbers is the level of sheen: 1=Gloss, 2=Satin, 3=Matt. They hue should remain the same.
2  12 February, 14:39
@Goldman: I think you are correct. Also according to the info I have, those planes in Korean war times were indeed gloss with a paint composition reducing the fast degradation of the paint during world war II.
1  13 February, 09:52
Tim Jacobs@SCM Data suggestions
While working on the ResKit updates, I noticed a lot of inconsistency on how pilots are categorized. Many are put under the topic of the specific aircraft, while others are under [country], Soldiers, and some are multi-topic with both acft and Soldier. There's one that has three topics - acft, Soldier, and ejection seat.

Does the community have a standard on how we should handle these so we're consistent?

F-105 (F, G) "Thunderchief" ..d) (ResKit RSF72-0058, 1:72)
A-7 Corsair II female pilot ..s) (ResKit RSF72-0043, 1:72)
A-7 Corsair II female pilot ..s) (ResKit RSF48-0055, 1:48)
3 topic
A-7 (A, B, D, E) Corsair II ..n) (ResKit RSF48-0045, 1:48)

1 11 February, 20:39
Eddie Mann
I brought this up some time ago, and was told that figures for a particular plane/vehicle should be put in that topic. This would put the A-7 pilots into A-7 etc.
1  11 February, 22:36

And we should avoid multitopics if possible.

If there is one figure in the box, it can't be multitopic. It should be assigned to the most specific topic (Corsair) and not to one of the generic catch all topics

If you search for Female Pilot in 1:48 you will find all pilots nicely categorised in their "intended" use. If you think a Pilot from the "wrong" topic fits your needs (=go for it) because it looks similar (or even is the same) go for it 🙂

SCM Search: female pilot
1  13 February, 06:18
Goldman@SCM Data suggestions
The Italeri Actros Grand Prix page - MB Actros MP4 Big Space (Italeri 3968, 1:24) -
lists it as "In Stock" in SpotModel.com but according to SpotModel.com website this kit is marked as "Preorder now! Soon available Estimated shipping date: to be determined."
I guess there is some issue processing the stock status indication from this site.

1 12 February, 08:29
 13 February, 06:11

February 11, 2025

Sebastian Meyner@SCM Data suggestions
Hi, can someone please remove the uploaded "instructions" from:
Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Early Production (Takom 2170, 1:35)


...a certain someone was trying to be funny

Thank you!
すべてのコメント (6) » 1 10 February, 04:35
Why don't you pair of fags shut your cuntholes - like dim tim you are cowards and if you were to face me you would mess your panties. You really should consider yourselves lucky that you can hide behind your monitors like the pussies you are and not have to answer for your bitchy faggotry.
2  11 February, 00:09
Luc B
Thank you, dear avatar-less nameless person
12  11 February, 06:12

February 10, 2025

Boris B@SCM Data suggestions
Hello, I believe these three brands should be combined :
SCM Brand: No longer exists
SCM Brand: Union Model JP (keep)
SCM Brand: No longer exists

Thanks, Boris
1 10 February, 18:34
 10 February, 19:35

February 9, 2025

Andreas@SCM Data suggestions
Hi! Can you please remove the preview of the EC-135? EC-135 Heeresflieger/Army (Revell 04465, 1:32)
I already marked the video which has the broken link. THX!

1 9 February, 15:53
fixed 👍
 9 February, 20:39
Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
As "Bandai" items have box art showing "Bandai" and "Bandai Namco", can we stop the practice of changing the brand to "Bandai Spirits"
Super Dragon Guardian Formul..(Bandai Spirits 5066365, No)
Knight Gundam GP01 Jr. (Bandai Spirits 5066362, No)
Just two examples.

9 February, 17:45
Francky@SCM Data suggestions
I guess this may be deleted:


It is supposed to lead to a review of a plane but leads to a geenral page of ipms guatemala
thx! I found the link and removed it
1  9 February, 08:09
sorry Eddie, i should have thought about that 🙁. I just assumed that Tim would do a dbase search
2  9 February, 10:06
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Destroyer Admiralty M-class

Destroyer Admiralty M-class

1 9 February, 07:13
1  9 February, 08:07
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Sorry when I posted this it was intended for discussion, irrespective it seems no one was concerned, so, for consistency with other ships of the line can we rename it

SCM Topic: Ship of the line HMS Victory (1765)

Ship of the line HMS Victory (1765)
1 9 February, 07:16
1  9 February, 08:06

February 8, 2025

Alex K@SCM Data suggestions
I think topic SCM Topic: Dornier Do Wal should be renamed "Dornier Do J Wal" or even "Dornier Wal", to be more generic, as it already includes both Do J and Do J II variants... [wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dornier_Do_J_Wal ]
1 8 February, 15:51
1  8 February, 17:33
Alex K@SCM Data suggestions
Further to a previous Kellett "topic merger", it seems (see wiki: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kellett_KD-1 ) that topics YO-60 & XR-3
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists
should also be merged into Kellett KD-1:
SCM Topic: Kellett KD-1
1 8 February, 15:47
1  8 February, 17:31
Alex K@SCM Data suggestions
Please rename SCM Topic: Horton Wingless Airplane to "Horton Wingless Airplane"
(nothing to do with the German Horten brothers - web.archive.org/web/..history-flying-wings )
1 8 February, 15:40
1  8 February, 17:30
Francky@SCM Data suggestions
i think this can be deleted?

Title (Kitty Hawk , 1:48)


1 7 February, 17:44
 8 February, 11:25

February 5, 2025

Jam Fjord@SCM Data suggestions
SCM Topic: BR Class 04
Hi all, I would like to propose a name change to the above Topic. As a prototype I can't see any evidence of a 'Junior 0-6-0 Diesel Shunter' existing other than in connection to the fictional 'Thomas the Tank Engine' series, but the kits matched to the Topic currently all represent the following vehicle:
'204HP 0-6-0 Drewry Shunter'
which is what I propose the name be changed to.

I have already corrected some of the Topic info (eg manufacturer: Bachmann, who make models, to Drewry Car Co Ltd), and added the appropriate synonym (British Rail Class 04).

There is also a Wikipedia page for this vehicle, although this page uses its later TOPS name of 'British Rail Class 04' - is there any to link this page to the Topic as well?

Happy to provide any further info if needed.
すべてのコメント (7) » 1 3 September 2024, 13:23
renamed to BR Class 04
1  4 February, 17:42
Jam Fjord
Awesome, thanks Tim 🙂
 5 February, 13:17

February 4, 2025

Stephan Flier@SCM Data suggestions
Hasegawa 02704 (CT4:900), Mitsubishi F-1 from 1992, scale 1:72, is not listed at scalemates. How do we proceed?
1 4 February, 12:48
go to SCM Contributor Page and click "Add kit" 🙂
 4 February, 17:30

February 3, 2025

Jakob Klein@SCM Data suggestions
Hello all and hello Tim!

As I'd like to share my decal creations online under Creative Commons, i used a space on a domain of mine to host the SVGs. To help users find them, I would enter it into the database, but as I am not a company IDK if it is ok to enter my domain as the releasing company.

To request here was suggested by komoras here: SCM Newsfeed

Let me know if i get the go ahead to enter "redkakapo" and the first decal set to the Database.

1 3 February, 15:17
yes please go ahead! just make sure each set has a clean product number

as it are not real decals please mark them for with the "STL data file" checkbox checked, I will change the label to be more inclusive for digital files
 3 February, 15:50
Jakob Klein
Thank you I will do so!
 3 February, 16:45

February 1, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
1 31 January, 18:04
1  1 February, 14:18
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
This is a frigate, can we please amend

SCM Topic: Frigate Tourville-class

Frigate Tourville-class

1 31 January, 18:45
1  1 February, 14:18

January 30, 2025

Daniele Riavini@SCM Data suggestions
the webzine kitsreview.com no longer exists and the link is redirected to another page.
1 26 January, 15:37
Daniele Riavini
 30 January, 17:49
Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
Can you please rename:
SCM Topic: Stalinets S-65
Stalinets S-65
to align with other Stalinets tractors.
2 30 January, 10:47
1  30 January, 15:43
Eddie Mann
Thank you.
 30 January, 15:52
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions

A topic which has never changed

SCM Topic: Ship of the line HMS Victory (1765)

From a full kit persective this topic is all about one ship, HMS Victory, there is no other full kit listed here but maybe its a sort of catch all catch all for some aftermarket products.

Do we rename the topic HMS Victory (1765) or do we just leave things as they are.
1 30 January, 09:33
HMS Victory (1765) it is!
1  30 January, 15:34

January 29, 2025

Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
I think that Preorder LaGG-3 series 66 (Quinta Studio PRE48004 , 1:48) is LaGG-3 (Zvezda 4833, 1:48) with pre-order bonus items, not a separate kit. Any thoughts?

2 26 January, 08:37
1  29 January, 15:38
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Protected cruiser Jean Bart-class

Protected cruiser Jean Bart-class

This was lumped in with Alger and called Alger-class but they are now categorsied as different ships - with Alger being the sole ship of her own 'class'. We do not have Alger on Scalemates

2 26 January, 07:51
1  29 January, 15:38
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this single ship topic

SCM Topic: Armoured cruiser Jeanne d'Arc-class

Armoured cruiser Jeanne d'Arc (1899)

2 26 January, 04:56
1  29 January, 15:37
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this single ship topic

SCM Topic: Helicopter cruiser Jeanne d'Arc-class

Helicopter cruiser Jeanne d'Arc (R97)

2 26 January, 04:13
1  29 January, 15:37
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Kleinstschnellboot Seedrache

Kleinstschnellboot Seedrache


2 25 January, 06:48
 29 January, 15:36
Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
2 26 January, 12:51
 29 January, 15:34
Eddie Mann
Thank You.
 29 January, 15:36
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Another simplication requested for german landing craft

SCM Topic: Pionierlandungsboot Type 40
SCM Topic: Pionierlandungsboot Type 39

Request either merge and rename (note we are only talking about 1 kit and 2 galleries across Scalemates for these 2 topics)


Or rename each, respectivley.

Pionierlandungsboot Type 40
Pionierlandungsboot Type 39

2 25 January, 04:52
1  29 January, 15:36
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we simplify these entries/naming by merging and renaming;

SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: Marinefahrprahm


The wording on the 1st topic alone is unnecessarily complex. Its not always that easy to categorise the ones we have beyond knowing they are Marinefahprahm's


2 25 January, 04:34
1  29 January, 15:34
Michael Muschalik@SCM Data suggestions
1 26 January, 23:42
1  29 January, 15:33
Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
Could you please merge:
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: Trabant 601
They are all 601 Galleries and Walkarounds.
2 29 January, 15:12
Eddie Mann
Thank You.
 29 January, 15:32
Richard@SCM Data suggestions
Could you please remove the 2nd listing for Joy Yard 35006X USS OHIO showing as 2024? This is a duplicate of the 2023 existing entry. I didn't find the existing one despite looking(?) before entering a new one sorry.
1 29 January, 01:55
Eddie Mann
2  29 January, 12:48
Marius@SCM Data suggestions
29 January, 07:39
Eddie Mann
1  29 January, 11:48

January 28, 2025

Eric Thornton@SCM Data suggestions
1 27 January, 21:06
Eddie Mann
3  28 January, 07:35

January 27, 2025

Mateusz Święcki@SCM Data suggestions
Recommend deletion of this empty topic
SCM Topic: Space Marine Rhino
27 January, 15:44
Tim Jacobs@SCM Data suggestions
Recommend deletion of this empty record:
Title (Matchbox , 1:72)

1 26 January, 21:11
Eddie Mann
2  27 January, 10:46

January 25, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Another german amphibious craft simplication requested

SCM Topic: Landing ferry Type SF-class




25 January, 04:43

January 24, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Spelling error .....Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Ship of the line HMS Mordaunt (1681)

Ship of the line HMS Mordaunt (1681)

1 14 January, 19:29
fixed 👍
1  21 January, 15:28
 24 January, 20:03
Yngve N@SCM Data suggestions
I think these are the same store?
SCM Shop: BNA Model World
SCM Shop: Name
SCM Shop: Name
SCM Shop: Name

As a returning customer I wanted to favourite BNA and found it hard to choose the right one
1 24 January, 11:38
merged 👍
1  24 January, 14:45

January 23, 2025

Jakob . » 機能リクエスト
Hello, there is a Kit missing in the DB since a couple of days. It's the Cyber Hobby 6763 Tiger 1 Otto Carius. I have it in my stash and now it says "Content not found".
1 23 January, 14:28
fixed 👍
1  23 January, 14:39
Jakob .
Thank you for this fast fixing!
1  23 January, 14:46
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
2 23 January, 10:02
1  23 January, 13:24

January 22, 2025

Francky@SCM Data suggestions
on this page: F4U-5N Corsair (HobbyBoss 80390, 1:48) , I found a broken link to an aeroscale review.


Aeroscale, and the rest of Kitmaker, changed platform a number of years ago and the content of the old aeroscale site was transferred to an archive.

The broken link currently on scalemates:

could be replaced by:

I expect that you may have many of such broken links that could probably all be resolved with a bulk operation.

In fact, the same applies to the other parts of the kitmaker site such as Armorama ... If you would be able to send me a few of those broken links, I could search for the replacement links as well.

1 22 January, 17:46

January 21, 2025

Eddie Mann@SCM Data suggestions
Can you please rename:
SCM Topic: Case M400 Loader
Case M400T/CaseM400W
M400T is not a skid steer, but a compact loader.
2 18 January, 10:22
Having a / in the name and have 2 variants is not ideal

I did go for, open for other suggestions

Case M400 Loader
2  21 January, 15:25
Eddie Mann
That's fine, thanks.
1  21 January, 17:10
Bill Gilman@SCM Data suggestions
WWP, Wings & Wheels, and Wings & Wheels Publications all seem to refer to the same entity. Should they be combined? I had a look at their website and they seem to promote WWP over the others. Just a thought. Cheers, Bill
2 12 January, 14:48
 21 January, 15:28
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Ferry Tsugaru Maru-class

Ferry Tsugaru Maru-class
1 17 January, 10:23
1  21 January, 15:27
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
I believe for consistency with other PLAN Ships we should rename this topic

SCM Topic: Aircraft carrier Type 003

Aircraft carrier Type 003

Like all PLAN ships NATO reporting names can go in the ALT
2 17 January, 12:24
consistency +1, fixed
1  21 January, 15:27
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Helicopter landing trainer USS Baylander (IX-514)

Helicopter landing trainer USS Baylander (IX-514)

2 18 January, 07:35
👍 renamed
1  21 January, 15:26
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Please can we rename this topic

SCM Topic: Icebreaking Emergency Evacuation Vessel

Icebreaking Emergency Evacuation Vessel

2 18 January, 11:17
1  21 January, 15:21
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Spelling error

SCM Topic: Kleinstschnellboot Schlitten

Kleinstschnellboot Schlitten

2 18 January, 14:51
1  21 January, 15:21
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
2 20 January, 09:47
done! 👍
1  21 January, 15:20
Łukasz Gliński@SCM Data suggestions
Could we have the sorting of the projects based on the date the project was created or added to the list?
Use case: I wanted to see my 5 oldest projects here: Woody
21 January, 11:13
See Woody
 21 January, 13:31
Łukasz Gliński
That I know, but I only mark projects with the start date, only when I actually start building them.
I'm rather looking for the creation date.
I think a workaround would be to filter the project entries on my wall.
1  21 January, 13:43
got it!
1  21 January, 13:47
Stuart T@SCM Data suggestions
1 21 January, 07:30
Eddie Mann
1  21 January, 07:46

January 20, 2025

Christian W@SCM Data suggestions
I was sitting to work on the De Lorean Time Machine. I was not able to make corrections on the title, subtitle etc. Any idea?
20 January, 05:29
Eddie Mann
Can you give a link, please.
 20 January, 11:53

January 18, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
Following our discussion and some PM's with other Scalemates please can we merge the following topics

SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists
SCM Topic: No longer exists


SCM Topic: Liberty ship Type EC2-S-C1

(it should be renamed with "Type" not "type")

The original Liberty ship topic to remain for unidentified designs and perhaps generic PE

Apologies for not thinking this through
 13 January, 10:41
This can be closed
1  18 January, 16:42

January 17, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
When I open this topic it comes up empty (which is not unusual and does not neccesarily indicate it as an empty topic) however when I undertake a general search for the ship it only returns the topic - is anyone else seeing this?

SCM Topic: Icebreaking Emergency Evacuation Vessel

The topic name is incorrect and I wanted to see the ship that comprises the topic

We could uncategorise the topic and see if comes up in contribute
17 January, 11:26
Eddie Mann
Here it is, in Papermates
 17 January, 13:50
 17 January, 21:39

January 16, 2025

Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
If a ship is in a museum can it be deemed no longer in use (I would exclude HMS Victory as it is classified as still in service with the RN).

Here is an example (read last para under preservation)


To me its no longer being "used"
2 16 January, 09:49
For what its worth, I would class it as no longer active.

Would be like calling the B-36 still active otherwise or Concord.
2  16 January, 09:51
1  16 January, 10:18
Eddie Mann
I would reckon that if it's in a museum, it's no longer in use. If not, it would mean that "anything" in a museum could be classed as still in use.
2  16 January, 10:19
Thanks all for your inputs
1  16 January, 10:27

January 15, 2025

Yngve N@SCM Data suggestions
Tamiya paints (some? all?) can't be edited and doesn't have the EAN-code registered. Is it by purpose?

TS-39 Mica Red, Tamiya Gloss, Lacquer, 100ml
TS-79 Semi Gloss Clear, Tamiya Satin, Lacquer, 100ml
1 15 January, 12:26
Eddie Mann
They are locked, as they are correct, people were going in and wrongly editing paints. Very few, if any, have EAN codes.
1  15 January, 14:07
Yngve N
OK thanks. I'm using another app for paint with barcode scanner. Works great, so I don't really need the codes here. Can't connect paint to stores anyway 😉
 15 January, 16:25
I can open up Tamiya paints for specific persons if you want to add barcodes
1  15 January, 16:38
Yngve N
Thanks, but in general I think you guys made great routines for this site and the community. I've seen (and changed) some really weird registrations myself. And maybe even made some 🙈 If there's anything I think is important with locked items, I will let you know. As far as I understood paints isn't linked to stores like kits are, so the EAN code wouldn't make a real change in how Scalemates work.
Let me use this opportunity to say thanks to you guys who's running this. It's a great place to spend time when we're not building anything.
1  15 January, 19:00
Richmond@SCM Data suggestions
3 12 January, 10:07
1st thought: hmmm
2nd thought: hmmmmmmm
1  13 January, 14:27
Seem to remember in the past (long ago) this would happen if a topic was merged (or perhaps emptied)

SCM Topic: Communication boat-Project 1388NZK - this is the only 1 with the same shipyard - albeit the missing ship's shipyard is spelt Sokols as opposed to Sokolsk.
 14 January, 09:38
I reset the search for Topics and it is solved now
2  14 January, 19:50
Ok Thanks
 15 January, 10:32

January 14, 2025

CartoonX@SCM Data suggestions
1 14 January, 18:07
thx! there was a kit linked to two different kits from 2 different families

 14 January, 19:47
 15 January, 21:42


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2019-12-04 23:58:12


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